New years' resolutions, blah blah. We all subconsciously try to start the year out eating healthily, and fruit's one healthy thing to eat. So I've been told.
I don't like apples or oranges, kind of boring. This is kiwi season, and I love this fruit for a few reasons:
- They're tasty
- They're good for you - chock full of vitamin C, potassium, antioxidants, zinc, vitamin E, magnesium, folate and fiber (according to the California Kiwifruit Organization)
- They're SUPER easy to eat
My dad eats these all the time. One Christmas, my sister actually found him kiwi spoons. You really don't need one to eat them but it was a fun gift nonetheless. Anyway, if you didn't already know this, here's an easy way to eat kiwis.
1) Cut the kiwi in half, lengthwise.

2) Get a spoon.
3) Eat
